An insightful and powerful conversation with Michele Benyo, certified grief recovery specialist, early childhood parent coach, and found of Good Grief Parenting. Please join us as we discuss:
- Michele’s personal journey of grief through her son’s cancer journey and death
- the motivation, inspired by her grieving daughter, to found Good Grief Parenting
- her role as a certified grief recovery specialist working with parents
- her insights on children’s grief as compared to adult grieving including 4 keys to help young children heal from grief
- and so much more!
Welcome to The Healing Place Podcast! I am your host, Teri Wellbrock. You can listen in on Pandora, iTunes, Blubrry, Spotify, iHeartRadio, Stitcher, Deezer, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music, and more, or directly on my website at You can also catch soundbites of our insightful interview on YouTube.
“Michele Benyo is a Certified Grief Recovery Specialist®, early childhood educator and parent coach, and the founder of Good Grief Parenting. After her 6-year-old son died of cancer, her 3-year-old daughter said, “Mommy, half of me is gone.” This heartbreaking statement defined Michele’s life purpose. Her mission is twofold: to help parents through the unimaginable challenges of parenting while grieving the death of a child, and to equip parents to meet the unique needs of a child who has lost a sibling in the early childhood years. The desire of Michele’s heart is to see families live forward after loss toward a future bright with possibilities and even joy.”

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