Thirty years ago today. Wow. That just dawned on me as I sat poolside, journaling today’s ponderings. May 23, 1988. A day I thought would forever be burned upon my soul. Branded by a cruel and searing experience.
As I turn my head to the left, sitting in my writing space, I glance upon a file folder holding newspaper articles, court documents, and everything cold and factual about that day.
I feel the tingles of a presence beside me. The spirit of a girl whose earth-life was stolen. Marsha Burger, age twenty-eight, engaged to be married, my new after-work bowling league teammate . . . shot with a gun that had been held to my head only three months prior on February 19, 1988 in a previous bank robbery. Our lives forever entangled in the cold steel of the revolver and the thick, callous fingers of a thief.
Video: Raw News Coverage May 23, 1988
I find myself joyous in the fact that it took me until 4:00 p.m. to realize the significance of this date. I used to dread the anniversary’s approach for years, decades really. A reminder of all of my broken pieces showcased on displays labeled “Panic Attacks” and “Overwhelming Anxiety”.
Here I sit, oh-so-serene, thirty years after running terrified from the gun shots, staring down the barrel of a Luger semi-automatic weapon, as I froze in fear behind a house in the neighborhood just beyond the bank. I am calm. I have made my peace with the ghosts.
Today, in honor of you and your thirty years transitioned to another life, Marsha Burger, I share thirty tranquil thoughts:
1. There is peace in the stillness where there used to be overwhelming fear.
2. There is freedom in forgiveness.
3. There is clarity in the space between thoughts.
4. Each breath in is a gift, each breath out brings more relief.
5. God sends love via nature hearts.

6. There is comfort in musical melodies.
7. Being surrounded by angels, both real and through treasured collection of paintings, figurines, and calendars brings contentment.
8. Life is celebrated through laughter.
9. Prayer is meditative.
10. Writing heals the soul.
11. Friendship is a gift of spirit connections.
12. Cardinals visit to share messages from beyond this world.
13. Carrying a child’s heartbeat is a treasure beyond measure.
14. Trinkets of hope bring joy to others.
15. Unicorns are real . . . well, at least their shadows are!

16. Being a glitter-shitter is a great #lifegoal.
17. Magic is experienced in helping others.
18. Smiling instills calmness.
19. Hiking is good for the body, mind, and soul.
20. Creative outlets release negative stored energy.
21. We are all our own heroes.
22. Self-care is a necessary component of healing.
23. Hugs are therapeutic . . . so are dogs.
24. Positivity radiates from within.
25. Sharing stories of triumph offers hope.
26. Resilience stems from having a supportive hand to hold.
27. Photos capture essence.
28. Kindness equates the greatest wealth of all.
29. Love truly IS the answer.
30. . . . and finally . . . God is love.
Peace to you. Peace to us all.