A powerful and heart-felt conversation with Dr. Andrew Hahn, founder of Life Centered Therapy and licensed clinical psychologist. Please join as we discuss:
- his healing philosophies using an energy, psychospiritual, and mind-body framework – including a live session with host, Teri Wellbrock!
- releasing trauma blocks
- the impact of past lives or generational trauma on our current symptoms
- utilizing muscle testing to tap into our wisdom
- how to obtain training in these modalities (including a free week of training)
- and so much more!
Welcome to The Healing Place Podcast! I am your host, Teri Wellbrock. You can listen in on Pandora, iTunes, Blubrry, Spotify, Deezer, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music, Podbean, and more, or directly on my website at www.teriwellbrock.com/podcasts/. You can also watch our insightful interview on YouTube.
“Dr. Andrew Hahn is a licensed clinical psychologist and founder of Guided Self Healing (GSH), an energy psychospiritual mindbody framework for healing our deepest trauma.
He received his B.A. from Harvard University and his Doctorate in Clinical Psychology from Hahnemann University.
A call for greater understanding beyond the traditional Western paradigms led him to the worlds of Buddhist and Eastern Psychology; Mystery Trainings; and Depth, Archetypal and Spiritual Psychology.
He received his A.B. Magna Cum Laude in Social Studies/Psychology from Harvard University and his Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology from Hahnemann University. He is certified by Helen Palmer to teach the Enneagram and has also been a faculty member in the graduate Counselling Programs at Lesley University and Northeastern University.
While Dr. Hahn’s strong foundation and significant experience in traditional psychology has served his clients well, he has been untiring in his effort to better understand what is going on for people so that he could better help them live more contented and healthier lives. This calling for greater understanding, as well as certain experiences which he could not fully comprehend within the confines of traditional Western paradigms, led him on a search for answers that opened him to the worlds of Buddhist and Eastern Psychology; Mystery Trainings; and Depth, Archetypal and Spiritual Psychology. During this period, Thich Nhat Hanh, Brugh Joy, Dick Olney, Helen Palmer, Barbara Hastings, and Claudio Naranjo were particularly influential and powerful teachers for him.
As that period was ending, he started working with Judith Swack, the developer of Healing from the Body Level Up. Working with her opened him to the worlds of Kinesiology, current research on Violence and Loss Traumas, and Energy Psychology. Dr. Swack and Dr. Hahn collaborated for several years marrying their two worlds, and this collaboration formed the foundation of the work that is now known as Life Centered Therapy.
In 1997, after several years of witnessing the power of the work, Dr. Hahn developed the Life Centered Therapy Training program for those who want to facilitate and/or teach this process. Today, Dr. Hahn has a private practice in Waltham, MA; speaks, teaches and leads trainings and healing groups internationally; and continues his effort to better understand what is going on for people so that he can better help them live more contented and healthier lives.”
Free Training link: Home (readyforamiracle.net)
Learn more about Andy and his mission at Life Centered Therapy | Energy Healing & Spirituality | Waltham, MA

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