I was captivated by this conversation and all that I learned as I chatted with Tryshe Dhevney, sound energy expert, author, international speaker, and best-selling Sounds True crystal singing bowl recording artist. Please join us as we discuss:
- Tryshe’s insights on using our voices for healing
- her personal story of healing
- her sound healing recordings and demonstrations of notes/sounds
- the gift of sound healing for spiritual as well as physical healing
- and so much more!
Welcome to The Healing Place Podcast! I am your host, Teri Wellbrock. You can listen in on Pandora, iTunes, Blubrry, Spotify, iHeartRadio, Stitcher, Deezer, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music, and more, or directly on my website at www.teriwellbrock.com/podcasts/. You can also catch soundbites of our insightful interview on YouTube.
“Tryshe Dhevney is a Sound Energy Expert, Author, International Speaker and Best-selling Sounds True Crystal Bowl Recording Artist. Honored by the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Tryshe has been acknowledged for her talent as an actor, director and praised for her musical compositions and collaborations. Today she is a repeat presenter offering prescriptive sound strategies with the University of Arizona Integrative Medicine Fellows and medical students.
Tryshe’s work and teaching have been inspired by her own personal healing journey from a potentially fatal illness to complete health. In May 2000, Tryshe’s doctors informed her that there was no longer anything they could do to treat her advanced hepatitis C and liver disease and advised her to get her affairs in order. Four months later, doctors were mystified when tests revealed she was disease-free. Tryshe had healed herself through the power of sound.
Today Tryshe is recognized as an authority in the field of harmonic and vocal sound healing. For over three decades, she has pioneered and refined her highly effective sound energy healing and toning technique called SoundShifting™.
Tryshe’s method for whole body transformation, inspires individuals to use their own voice to create wellbeing in their lives, and teaches simple techniques and attitudes that put health, wealth and wholeness within anyone’s grasp. In addition to developing her highly acclaimed SoundShifting™ technology, Tryshe has created the nationally recognized Life Scripting Process, combining traditional theatre, recovery therapy and spiritual disciplines to achieve living art for social change. Her innovative peer-to-peer approach to addiction, prevention and education has brought her to the national stage once again.
Her book, SOUNDShifting: Your Personal Guide to Self-Healing with Sound, shares her personal story and describes the tonal techniques that impacted her life, and the lives of many others.
Tryshe Dhevney is a dynamic and active teacher, healer and recording artist frequently featured at spiritual music festivals and conferences nationwide. She is also the creator of the Crystal SoundENERGY Practitioner™ Training series in Tucson, AZ. Where she lives with her husband of 25 years.”

** Visit Tryshe’s website: https://soundshifting.com/
Here is a link to the book: https://www.amazon.com/Flashback-Girl-Lessons-Resilience-Survivor-ebook/dp/B08D7YLKGT
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